Does eczema cause this?


First I would like to say that I will be calling my doctor in the morning and I would have called today but the office is closed. I am hoping a fellow mom has had a similar experience.

My 6 week old baby is suddenly acting weird. She is having a pretty intense eczema flare on her face. I think this is causing her pain enough to act weird. Her eating and sleeping habits have changed. I dont know if its because of her flare or because she is already a 11 pound baby.

1. She is eating less often. Last night she went 8 hours refusing food. She woke and promptly ate from both breast. I was pretty engorged so I think she could have taken in about 5-6 oz.

2. Most of the time she will only take one breast. I usually time and switch half way through the feeding. Last 2 days she will stop at the one sometimes she is milk drunk sometimes she isnt. I have to almost convince her to breastfeed and sometimes I can get her to take a bottle after. Always can finish the bottle with ease.

3. She is sleeping more. She is echausted unless she goes 4 hours stretches all day long. And longer at night.

Can all this be caused by her flare. Or do I need to look at other causes.

Also, any product reccomedations will be welcomed.

Thank you.