Frank breach??

Jessica • TDW 5/14/11💍 LDW 2/08/14👦🏼 ASW 09/26/19👩🏻‍🦰 CTW 01/06/2021👦🏼 BEW 5/25/22👩🏻‍🦰

So this is how my baby sits but upside down (head and feet sit in the pelvis). It’s called Frank breach, which I’ve never heard of until I looked it up. I still have plenty of time for baby to flip (only18weeks) that’s not my concern.

I was just wondering if anyone else’s baby sits like this and they are constantly being kicked in the vajaja 🥊🥊!!!

Omg I love the movement but can we get off my lady parts. When the moving starts sometimes it’s startles me bc it’s in my lady parts lol!!😂😂