Backache and tiniest pink discharge 8 weeks pregnant


So im 8+3 and woke up to backache i thought at first it may been the way i slept but i then noticed the tiniest bit pink discharge when i wiped. I rang my maternity unit and she said to keep a eye on it wear a pad ( im wearing panty liner) but theres only light brown on it and thats only a little bit. ( its been over 3 hours now). She said to take paracetamols every 4 hours, so the back ache has now gone and i have no spotting. Ive got to go for a scan on tuesday as I've had a bleed before.( from sex, this time wasnt sex). But im worried it may be the start of a miscarraige. And the paracetamols are blocking the pain and stopping the spotting. Has anyone else had backache and pink discharge at 8 weeks and been ok ? Ive done some googling( i know my bad) and it said back ache at 8 weeks is common as hes growing and spotting could be because i would usually be getting af about now. Ive still got symptoms, sore boobs,nausea and sleepy. Sorry I've been rambling im terrified im losing him.