Is this a dealbreaker?

Ok I have posted on here before regarding this. Quick back story- my bf and I live together 50% of the the time (when I don’t have my kids). We are currently fixing up a larger house to move in to altogether. We have been together 3 years. He has this awful best friend who hates me and always has. Solely for the fact that I take my bf away from him. He is a miserable person. A year ago him and my bf started their own business. Basically due to the fact the friend had the $ to start it up and my bf eventually paid him back and now they are 50/50 partners.

Now- my bf sees him daily. Monday-Sunday usually for work. He does not spend any time with him outside of work because he knows how miserable he is and wants to limit contact. We are trying to find ways to get him out of this biz with him but we need the $ so no end seems to be in sight currently.

Here is the problem- some days they have no work to do. None. But his partner wants to get together every single day! My bf “feels bad” telling him no so he usually gives in. I don’t mind if I have my kids and we aren’t together anyway- but on our only days together ?????? We had plans to go on the boat today and my bf said him and his partner were going to cash a check and then they should be done. His partner was 30 min late coming over (as usual) and now they are just sitting outside talking (while I sit inside- first time I’ve seen my bf in 3 days) and not going to get the check cashed! Now I’m sure they will go do that soon but like really? Both of them need to go do that? They only need 1 ID. And his partner usually just hangs around the house for hours afterwards because he has no life whatsoever outside of my bf and his business. This is a constant point of contention in our relationship. I feel my bf never stands up to his partner or puts me first. We have been together for 3 years and it just recently became a prob when they got into biz together almost a year ago.

Our relationship is amazinggggg in all other aspects. And I think once we live together full time things will hopefully be better because I wont get so butt hurt over him doing things like this during our short time together. But then again I’m not sure. Would this be a dealbreaker for you? We fight about this constantly and it’s too the point I can’t even stand to see his partners face and hide in the house the entire time he’s around. Oh, my bf just came inside saying they aren’t going to get checks cashed anymore and he tried to hint to his partner that we were going to go on the boat soon but he clearly didn’t get the hint because hes just sitting outside. 🤬 I just wish my bf would straight up tell him to fuck off!! He is almost 30! Tell your partner to go homeeeeee. How is that hard? Ughh. Rant over. Thanks for reading. 😢