Ants in house while pregnant?

We’ve been having a lot of ants come in our kitchen and bathroom mostly and a bedroom too on one side of the house. We have mopped, vacuumed, sprayed vinegar and gone outside to see where they are coming in. There’s no ant piles or mounds - just can see some walking up the side of our house so we sealed that whole area with caulk but they just moved over and are crawling up the foundation a few inches over now. I’ve tried pouring boiling hot water by where they are and it increased the number coming in. I’m so stressed out. I don’t feel comfortable using poison pregnant especially after a previous miscarriage but we can not live with ants. Even if we put ant baits outside I feel as though when they come inside the house they are dragging the poison all over our kitchen and then I will be the one touching it and cleaning up since I’m the one home all day until night. Has anyone dealt with this and does anyone have a solution?