Please help me with my confusion


It's been 4 days today that I have breast pain accompanied by mild fever, back pain and feeling of vomiting. I also had fatigue for more then a week. Yea about the breast pain, I use to it ten days before my period starts. But this time, my breast pain starts late and I have all those things which disturbs me. I use to have unprotected sex every time like 3/4 times a week. My period is only just 1 day late. For me, actually breast pain is like a sign that I'll get my period but this time it seems different. What do you say? Is this only a sign that I'll get period or? And one thing, my panties really smells bad😆. Though I wash my inner parts everyday. And change my panties every 2 days. Please please🙏💓🙏💕........ Fill my confusion and with your experiences or idea. Thank you