Baby Registry Meltdown


Is anyone else completely overwhelmed about what the hell to get? It's like a second language. Not to mention all the safety acronyms and awards/standards you have to learn about just to see if a crib, bassinet or car seat is safe.

The small stuff is a little easier and it's just that cute factor. BUT I straight up can't seem to find the energy to get excited enough about the big ticket items. It's like a total overwhelming task. There seem to be so many factors to consider.

1. The crib

2. The stroller

3. The car seat

4. The pack and play

5. The baby backpack (for hiking)

I'm sure I'm missing something. My husband and I are big on the outdoors and live in a smallish house. I don't jog and I don't think I'll take up jogging after but probably all terrian tires for a stroller? Idk. Then there's pros and cons to the car seat that is also a baby carrier vs. the one that grows with them but stays in your car. Then do I want a crib that converts all the way to a full bed?

It's all so much. Obviously this little guy needs his own things but I also feel like there's SO MUCH stuff you can buy. Some of it's gotta be unnecessary right?

I mean I was at target the other day and there's actually a paddle you can buy to wipe diaper cream on their bottom... Come on. No offense to anyone that loves that I just saw that and realized I was going down this crazy rabbit hole.

So I guess if anyone is as overwhelmed as I am or actually has some good tips on ruling out what's essential and what's not I'd appreciate it. 13 weeks 1 day here with my first little boy. Help!