Crying baby!


Alright mommas I need your help!

My baby is just over 2 weeks old and for the past 4 day he has started crying ALL day unless he’s being held. He sleeps great at night in his bassinet and crib. He wakes up twice to be fed and changed usually around 1 am and 4am. But as soon as we get up for the day and feed him and put him down to nap he is wailing.

We have had multiple dr appts for weight checks because he wasn’t eating enough initially but his weight is back up and he is gaining. He is strictly formula fed. When he cries we change him if needed and see if that helps which is usually doesn’t so we offer more formula but he doesn’t want it. We’ve tried the cry it out method but he just doesn’t stop haha The crying has started to seep into his bed time now though. We put him in his crib around 730 and then when we go to bed we feed him and bring him to his bassinet in our room and the last 2 nights he has started to cry in the crib until we go to pick him up.

We had been putting him to nap in either his dockatot or his glider but he cries with both of those now. I’m at a loss and the dr didn’t seem concerned 🙄 Like I know newborns cry but it’s for hours on end now. I can’t just keep holding him all day. I can’t get anything done and I can’t even eat. My husband and I have been trading off on who holds him during meal time so we can both eat. But my husband goes back to work next week and he works 12 hours shifts and I’ll go insane if this doesn’t stop and I’m by myself 😬

I’m open to all of the suggestions and tips!