Cranky-Saurus Rex 🦖

Mariasha • Enzo Joseph 💙✨ 2/25/2020 Ripley Rose 🌹 💕 8/31/2021

Y’all 😭 I’ve been STRUGGLING these last few days. LO is 24 weeks today and for the last 3 days straight he’s been either crying, screaming, or on the verge of meltdown. I think he’s teething but the tooth I thought I saw I can’t really see anymore 😢😭

I’m doing everything I can, to keep him entertained, but it seems he’s only happy when he’s standing (which means I have to be holding him up), or when we’re out walking. It’s been close to 100 degrees so we can only walk in the very early mornings or late at night and I’m trying to enforce an 8:30 PM bedtime (that’s when he fall asleep naturally, so I figured I’d follow his lead and it’s worked so far). I know we’re getting to the end of leap 5 so hopefully that has something to do with it but I’ve been feeling like an absolute failure as a mom cause nothing I do seems to make him happy anymore :( Anyone else dealing with a suddenly super cranky baby?

Pic of our walk today for attention and also to remind me how dang cute he is even if he yelled at me all day 😂😭