
Jackie • Julian Edward Born 7.29.18 Baby Ross - our angel 👼🏻 Savannah Lorraine Due 3.2021 🌈

Today was supposed to me my first prenatal appointment but on Friday my husband tested positive for COVID. On Monday my doctor put in the request for me although I wasn’t showing symptoms. Positive. I was told by the COVID nurse that they’ll likely push my appointment back 2 weeks since I’m just 8 weeks today and they want to see me before 10. I got the call yesterday that my appt is canceled and I might not be able to do the NT test/first trimester screening and my doc won’t see me until 9/16, when I’m 13 weeks pregnant. I’m devastated. I had a MC in January, I have no clue how this baby is doing. If anyone has advice or can just pray, I really would appreciate it.

It also doesn’t help my mom and sister have COVID as well. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.