One-piece jammies

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

My daughter is obsessed with her baby brother and all things baby. Lately she's been literally putting on his 9-12M clothes 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

So, when we potty trained we got rid of her one piece jammies since they're harder to get on and off for quick potty trips, but now she rarely gets up in the night to go potty, and I think she'd get a huge kick out of being able to sleep in "baby clothes"

Anyone have any one piece jammies they love for their 3 year old? Bonus points for easy-on-and-off!

Here she is in the 9-12M romper... 😂