Domestic violence

I was in a two year relationship that I’ve come to realize was never healthy. The last 6 months were the worst though. My boyfriend was always controlling, and manipulative and emotionally abusive, etc. A true Narcissist. I did everything I felt I should do that would make him stop treating me such a way or just shutdown but things only got worse. Long story short things got to a point where I would lash out and hit him because he wouldn’t leave me alone no matter how much I cried, begged or screamed for him to just leave me alone. One night we had a incident that lead to me to getting in face yelling for him to leave and he fractured my jaw and my tooth and chipped another. It’s been months from that incident yet I can’t afford to get my tooth fixed and my jaw is sometimes a bother and I haven’t told anyone except one person that feels I should demand my ex pay for my expenses or threaten to take him to court. I personally don’t know what I want to do I just would not rather put my ex in jail. I just want my tooth fixed.... what should I do 😔