So me and my dad were extremely close until I got my current boyfriend. My dad has always been the most important man in my life till I met this guy. When I met my boyfriend he became very important to me like my top priority because he has been sick for a long time and I love him a lot. My dad when I met this guy became extremely jealous of the fact that I love another man as much as him and that this man makes me extremely happy and I thought my dad would be happy for me. He has not at all been supportive of me and his relationship to the point to where when I went to talk to him he won’t even look at me let alone talk to me. Yesterday me and him got in a argument and he told me to pack my s*** and leave and this is not the first time he has told me this he has said it numerous times in the past. Now I am only 16 and he continues to tell me to pack up and leave but when I want to leave he forces me to stay and he threatens to call the cops if I leave. Yesterday during me and his argument he threatened to drop me right where I stood. Now he didn’t actually do it but me made the same threat time after time again causing me to cry because I was personally worried and scared and he talked about how as my parent he has the right to control my every move and choice that I make until I turn 18 and or move out. I don’t personally know how to handle this and my house is a extremely toxic environment but I am scared that if I go to stay with my boyfriend because his family will allow me and they told me that if I ever needed somewhere to stay their home was my home. Me and my boyfriend are scared that if I go to stay with him for a little bit and I want to go somewhere where I feel safe that my family will call the cops and since he is 18 they could charge him and he could go to jail and me nor him want that but we do not know what else to do and i don’t know how to get to a safe and organized environment where it is healthy and where I can feel like I have a little bit of respect and responsibility without me or him getting in trouble or him getting locked up. I have talked to my parents about graduating early and getting a job but they told me that is not my right to do so and that I am still a little kid and they control what I do and my choices. Please comment and help me find out what to do and how to do so.