2 week wait time is here!


*UPDATE:* I’m pregnant!!!!!

I’m 10dpo! I knew I couldnt wait 2 weeks to test. But I really didn’t think I would get pregnant on the first try!!!! Praying for all you mommas still waiting for your BFP! It will come!! ❤️✨


can’t believe I’m doing this again! This will be my 3rd time ttc. I got pregnant with my first on the literal first try! Lol still had about 6 months of wanting A baby and just try to convince my husband to start trying. So still felt like forever. My second it took 4 months to wait for insurance to kick in and 5 to get pregnant. And here we go again. I’m not going to lie ttc is probably one of the only things that I get so exciting about but also dread the most. I love knowing my husband I are going to create a new life that will be part of both of us! But I hate the waiting and wondering and the feeling like I make him do the baby dance the longer it takes to get pregnant. But I am excited to have another baby. I have always said I wanted 3 kids and I love being pregnant not always comfortable or the funnest thing but I love it! This is our first month of ttc. so I’m going to try and not stress myself out this time 🙃. Just praying it all happens in Gods prefect timing.

Any other cycle buddies?