Current Symptoms


I'm supposedly 6 weeks today and I only started feeling nausea yesterday. It's not bad nausea, just barely there. I don't feel like throwing up at all. So I lay on my left side and eat a piece of bread, and it goes away long enough for me to find something bigger to eat. So weird.

I hope I never get full blown morning sickness. As a person whose body doesn't usually vomit as a result of feeling sick, it would be so weird to be throwing up all of a sudden.

And my nipples have an odd sensation! They don't hurt, and not tingly or achy. They just feel sensitive. I can tell that my chest already doesn't totally fit into my bra and that irritates me.

As for my lower body, for the last five days I've hardly felt anything at all. I get minor cramps at night as I'm going to bed. My lower back is getting achy.

And I've been getting dizzy for a few weeks. Like, not dizzy dizzy, but my vision is a little swirly and it's disorienting.

I've also been very irritable. I just want people to leave me the hell alone. I told one of my bosses the other day when she was reminding me of the call off policy that I don't care, give me the paper, I'll sign it and leave me alone. She just laughed nervously.

I have terrible insomnia, but now I'm able to nap for once. I still don't feel like I'm getting enough sleep, but at least I'm sleeping at all?

Anyway, that's my six week update.

Tell me what your sixth week is doing to you.