I’m an asshole

So my husband and I are both recovering addicts my husband had a little slip a while ago so I’ve just been keeping my eye out for weird behavior but everything has seemed fine for a while, well we have a savings account that we just opened that a percentage of his paycheck goes into without being touched and we haven’t looked to see the balance cause we don’t want to spend it, well I got a statement the other day for it and was curious how much has been put away and I opened it up and almost 1000 dollars was taken out within the last two weeks, my heart sank and I felt nauseous cause in addict world that’s how fast you go through money buying dope so I kinda freaked out, I texted his mom hoping he borrowed her some money but she never texted me back, he works up in the mountains so he has no service between 6 am and 6 pm and this was at 3 pm so I sat and stewed over it thinking of every horrible thing that could happen, I texted him asking wtf and he calls me when he got off work, I asked him where it all went and he said he couldn’t tell me so of course I just to conclusions, well finally he said he was sending it to his mom to hold on to because he was buying me the matching wedding band for my wedding ring for our anniversary and even made his mom call me to verify that... I felt like suuuch an asshole. I mean based on what happened a month ago of course I’m still on edge and him earning his trust back but still I feel like a dick and I have such a sweet husband lol