36 week pelvic exam ! PLEASE HELP.. Long post


Ladies ! I need opinions......

On Wednesday I had my first pelvic exam because I hit my 36 week mark. Let’s just say, I was NOT prepared. It was extremely painful - I literally cried the entire time my doctor was examining me. I did not know that he would be basically shoving his entire arm up my vagina (excuse the intense details but maybe I can help out another first time mama) he told me I was ALMOST 4cm dilated and was really happy... he told me I would probably go into labor in the next week or two which would be ok because at 37 weeks you are considered full term. Anyways... I left and was in immediate discomfort... I think I was experiencing contractions or Braxton Hicks the rest of the day and I was also having some bleeding. I called my doctor towards the end of the day and he wanted me to go to the hospital but by 5pm what I thought were contractions didn’t seem to be intensifying or getting closer together so I then called my doctor again and he told me to hold off, lay in bed and drinks lots of fluids. Throughout the night I had more bleeding (light) and when I woke up the next morning (Thursday) it looked like I lost my mucus plug - gooey/clear slime mixed with some blood. It is now Friday.... I have been having tightening and pressure but not to where I am in extreme pain.

What is going on with me???? I literally have no clue. Could I possibly be in labor and not know it? Or is it just irritability from the exam I had on Wednesday.... I’m so confused. Please help!