How to get over this crazy!

My husband and I are happily married and have been for a year, together for 6 years. He’s a little older than me, I’m 24 and he’s 30. I’m happy, content, and in love and I know he feels the same way. We both have great jobs but I hate where he works. I also hate the way I’ve been thinking lately. He and I have always been faithful, no lying, nothing bad besides one time 6 months into dating he lies to me and was hanging out with one of his friends who’s a girl. But we weren’t super official so I brushed it off. Fast forward to now, it seemed like after marriage my mind got the best of me. I do have anxiety and ocd, and it could be part of that. But my husband is the head chef and manages a restaurant/business. It’s a great job, but he’s surrounded by beautiful ladies. It’s part of the facade of the girls, etc. it’s not a hooters or anything, but the owner likes attractive/dumb blondes, etc. Anyways after we got married I’ve been so much more jealous, and territorial of my husband. I hate that he’s alone and working with these girls all the tome. I go out with them after work sometimes and just from talking with all of the girls, they hookup with other employees/random people all the time. They’re all 18-22ish age. I just hate the feeling of always having to look pretty while going to see my husband. It sounds so shallow, but I always feel like he’s going to cheat. He’s never done that or shown signs, but my mind wanders and I hate it. How did you ladies get over the jealousy/trust thing? It’s all my mind being negative but it sucks and I know o have to stop.