Dying to tell someone!!

I am 5 weeks pregnant with our 6th baby.. About a year ago my husband of 10 years, and I had some drama (without going into too much detail.. we split, and have been working hard in private to fix the issues). We can't tell anyone we decided to work things out, and now being pregnant again it is kind of starting to wear on me. I want love, support, and excitement for our little blessing, but telling anyone could be detrimental to us. That sounds dramatic, but I promise I'm not being dramatic. I just wish I could go back to a year ago, and have kept my mouth shut to my "friends" and "family" about was going on because now they all absolutely hate him, his friends and family hate me, and if it gets out that we are even on speaking terms he will get into huge trouble again.. about 6 months ago it got out that he called me, and he was arrested for violating the restraining order. Im not being listened to when it comes to dropping the restraining order, otherwise it would be long gone by now. It is just heart wrenching that something so personal, fixable, and small has been blown so out of proportion, and now we are having to hide our marriage and this baby on the way. I really could use some love, prayers, and encouragement right about now.. My husband has been awesome with trying to make me feel supported, but I know if I really tell him what's going on with the way I'm feeling it's going to hurt him. I hardly get to see or talk to him any more, so I want our time together to always be positive. I miss being able to have my support system, and dont want him to feel inadequate or like he forced this baby on me because honestly I was against trying for a baby right now. I was on birth control, but he was praying for a baby. Anyways this is just a huge mess.. please no judgy comments. I will hear them enough when my peers start noticing my belly growing.