Don’t want to admit defeat 😫

Holly • Girl mom 🎀

Ok last resort- please help 🥺 I’m new to using a cup and I am really having a hard time with it. I can’t even put it in all the way let alone make it seal or take it out. I’m using the Saalt small cup right now. I think my biggest issue is that I can’t figure out how to get my fingers and the cup inside me at the same time. I know in theory there’s enough room, but HOW do I position my freaking hands?

I fold the cup, start to stick it up, and then basically have to let go before I get it all the way inside. Then it’s me trying with my fingertips to push it up, but it doesn’t pop because it doesn’t go far enough in, and I can’t get my fingers in to rotate it. I end up literally pinching myself inside with my fingernails and that HURTS like a b*tch. Even with it not all the way in it’s impossible to take out correctly (I have to pull on the stem) because I can get one finger in to break the seal but can’t get another one around the back to help pull it down.

I have tried every recommended position and watched about 100 YouTube videos. After a good 30 minutes of just trying to just get it in I started to get nauseous from all the pinching and gave up. I’m a tampon user and not a virgin so I *know* there’s room and there’s a way.

Please be gentle with my stupidity 🙏🏼 any advice or tips would be so welcome