Child Support


Okay ladies, I need some feedback here. I have 2 kids with my ex. I left him when they were 1 and 3, they’re now 6 and 8. I have given my ex many many opportunities to help me out financially (5years to be exact). He always says he is but then he acts like he never agreed to helping me. We currently have 50/50 custody but he only has them 2 days and I have them 5 due to us living an hour apart and they go to school where I live. I recently filed for child support and he got mad and now he’s threatening me to get a lawyer and try to get them on the weekdays and me on weekends. I would obviously get a lawyer too because I already hate being away from them 2 days.

With a lawyer, can he get the judge to lower the amount he pays?

If you’re in a similar situation, how much do you receive/pay for child support? He’s been telling me that he wouldn’t have to pay more than $300 and all of a sudden he’s trying to get me to accept $400 without the court order. Is it worth it or should I stick to the court order. I’m just asking what’s fair. I pay for everything for them. I don’t mind at all because they’re the reason I work so hard but he gets to do fun things with them while I get to pay for school supplies, clothes, shoes, sports, day care for days I go to school, everything and not have anything left over for other things or to save up for a house. He only covers food on the weekends, nothing else.

Note: He makes 3x the amount I do and we live in the state of California. I know it differs from state to state. I’m currently going to school to become a nurse, so once I’m done with that, I’ll be making more than him and I won’t need his help. I just need temporary help while I still have to go to school. I know it’s on a case by case basis but I’m just curious how much you receive or pay.