Parents making threats


Parents are making threats all because I let my boys go to there dads this weekend. He hasn’t really seen them in a couple months but he’s wanting to do better for the boys and actually try to co parent this time which I wanted to give it a try because I boys need there dad in there life if he’s willing to do things right this time. They act like they have control over my kids when they clearly don’t I am there mother if I knew they was in danger I wouldn’t of let them go with there dad simple as that but I get a text this morning while I am at the baby doctor making threats about cps.

UPDATE: he had his tonsils taken out a week and half ago a I waited a couple days to let his dad keep him his dad was more then capable enough of taken care of his child for a day he already knew what he was aloud to eat and what not and when to give him his pain medicine there was no harm at all but there is no need to text my cell phone and make threats