What should I tell her?

Let’s start off by saying that I’m 20, my fiancé is 23. We’re currently ttc.

My younger cousin (17) has been very open about NOT wanting to be a young or “teen” mom. She kept saying she actually had some goals in her life and she planned on spending x amount of years in college, so on and so fourth. She even said “ew” to the thought of being a young mom.

She’s been dating her boyfriend (18) for less than a year now. He has given her chlamydia and herpes so right off the bat I already don’t like the guy. Obviously she stays with him. Now, she’s telling me that they are planning on trying for a baby. Apparently a year from now she’s going to stop her birth control and they’re going to have a baby... She has told me before that HE wants a baby. She has never wanted one and especially not now but of course she’s going to give him what he wants. Neither one of them have jobs (and yes it’s supposed to happen a year from now but they have NEVER had a job meaning they have no experience, no money saved up, no idea of how to hold a job, etc.) She says she wants a job but she isn’t the hard working type. I have sent her multiple job openings for her to apply to and she never did. She is 17 but she is still a highschool sophomore as she got left back twice so she’ll be pregnant and she’ll have a baby before even graduating.

They are also constantly arguing. He goes days without talking to her and then just shows back up again. He sells weed edibles which she helps promote but that’s all he does. What should I tell her?

- Also, she did say a year from now but who knows what she’ll actually do? She could just stop her birth control now and make it look like some accident.. I am 100% sure she does not want a baby anytime soon. Her and I are VERY close. She is doing what he wants. I will talk to her again to figure out what’s going on.