Emotional Violence

Hi, I know that my bf hasn’t been physically violent but I wanted to know if what he does is emotional and mental abuse. He lies to me. All the time. He has laid next time me and assured me he was being honest, and it turned out he was lying. I don’t know what to do. When I get upset or mad he packs his bags and tries to leave. Then the argument turns into how horrible I am. I fell from a panic attack and hurt my arm and he stood away from me with his back turned for 50% of the time cause he thought I “laid on the ground on purpose.” He constantly blames me for everything bad in his life. He tells me I make him so unhappy and that he doesn’t like me. I love him. But I want to be free. I want to find a love that doesn’t hurt and doesn’t make me lose sleep and doesn’t make me question if I’m being lied to. I just hope one day I find the strength to leave and find someone who will love me like that. It’s just hard to imagine anyone like that out there. I’m stuck in this small world of only him. I just hope I find the strength one day. And I hope I realize that sometimes love isn’t enough when everything else breaks your heart.