Victim of DV.


Our 5year anniversary was on Friday, and today, he packed his bags and left for good this time, and I told him his not coming back, his leaving behind a family and Fiance that only ever cared about him. We have been through so much the past year and a half and I'm still finding excuses for his behaviour, last year he put his hands on me and hurt me, he hurt my family and my children mentally,

he was going away for up to 5 years and I dropped it all because I loved him and wanted it to work, ive been hit ive been pushed, knocked down physically and mentally and to the point I didn't even know who i was, id been told not to touch him because im disgusting and been told that he can go further im life without me, but I still let him back because I love him, I love him now and his gone, but somehow I need to strength to walk away from him for good. I don't no how? How do you walk away from someone like this his so manipulative? I'm struggling.

Im lost so so lost.