I feel like my cat is ruining my life

I moved into my own apartment from my parents’ home 6 months ago. My reason for moving out was actually my abusive mother’s tendencies and the last straw was her dropping my old cat off to some far away town while I was at work because we had argued that morning. On a drive near our apt me and my bf found a kitten on the road in bad condition. We took her in, she got a flea bath, got newborn kitty meds, and a week later she was in healthy shape. We took her outside to play one day but unfortunately she got the fleas again, so two flea baths later she’s a strictly indoor cat. We’ve had her 5 months now and I can honestly say she’s a nightmare. I’m sure she doesn’t mean to be but she is more active and destructive than any cat I’ve ever had. Her appetite is ravenous. We feed her so much but no matter what, if anyone takes out food around her she is incessantly trying to touch the plate, climbing jumping doing whatever to get some, no matter what the meal is. She eats things I’ve never seen cats eat before, like spicy, sweet, no meat meals, whatever. We saw that the solution to this was feeding her while we have meals so she’s not left out but as soon as she finishes her meal (its always so quick), she heads straight for ours. Next habit, we have a leather dining set and we brought it brand new, and after 5 months of having it, we have to replace all four of the chairs because she scratched and chewed them up to the point of no return. they look like chairs we picked up in the trash now. One week in when we saw how much scratching she did, we got her a scratching post. It’s four levels and there are dangling mice and colorful toys all around it, as well as a hideout since cats love those. She hates it and never uses it. It’s only ever the chairs. Im a cat girl and I know and am used to cats scratching, but never to this extent. Then it’s the windows. We live in florida so there are bugs and flies everywhereeee especially since its summer. So we have screens on our windows so they dont get through if we do open the windows. She uses the netting of the screen as grip to climb the windows. The netting on all 6 windows of my apartment are now shredded and falling apart and have big gaping holes in them. So we can’t open the windows or a thousand flies will fly in. But we also can’t have sheer curtains anymore cause she messed up the screen and it looks really bad. Then there’s the curtain rods. Listen, as two 21 year olds (only him working rn, my jobs closed until sept) we didn’t realize curtain rods were even expensive and we have wide windows so it’s been very maturing. But she’s bent every curtain rod we have, because she hops on the curtains and uses them to climb up to get to the ceiling. We replace curtain rods almost every two weeks I think because she bends them so bad they become nonfunctional. We’re planning on buying thicker ones, so easy fix? WRONG. Even with new curtain rods, she scratches the hell put pf the curtains, they all have runs and loose threading because of her. Our houseplants are ruined, both the real and fake because she chews off the leaves (she doesnt eat them). Literally everything in my apartment looks run down. I come from a really poor family and am building my way up so I really pride myself in having a nice apartment now that I’m an adult and can make my own money because growing up, the houses we lived looked awful and were in bad condition. I feel like since we’ve had our cat, I’ve regressed into living in poverty like conditions and it makes me so depressed and constantly reminds me of my depressing living conditions in the past. I feel so weird because this is a CAT, like she’s an innocent creature but I feel so miserable ever since she came around. I’ve considered giving her to a home better suited for her but my bf loves her and I don’t know any people in need of a cat and don’t wanna give her away to just any stranger. I feel like im losing my mind and overreacting but I also feel so justified in wanting her out because i’m so unhappy. I’ve also considered that me losing my last cat in an untimely and cruel way could’ve made me less receptive to having a new cat but at the same time I feel like I’ve never dealt with a cat like this before and it might not be me but her that’s just such a bad fit for me. What do i do?

Edit: pics