I can breathe!


Baby boy was head down for about 2 weeks. Then Monday morn around 3am he decided to flip. He was traverse with his head around my hip. Pressure definitely shifted and my lung capacity seemed to be cut in half. (Thanks little man for squishing my lungs!)

Had my 32 week dr appt on Wednesday. Doctor wasn't concerned that he wasn't head down yet. His heart rate on doppler looked good, so no worries.

Went to the chiropractor today, Friday, at 11am. The chiro has experience with pregnancies and babies/newborns/kids and adults. He adjusted my middle back. Then he helped the round ligament pain on my right side. He helped stretch it to help turn baby. Then he adjusted my hips.

Now less than 2 hours later and after lots of wiggling/squirming/punching/ kicking, baby has shifted and I. CAN. BREATHE!!

This chiropractor has been amazing this pregnancy. He has helped with hip pain, tailbone pain, sciatic pain, and so much more. Definitely a game changer!

Anyone else under chiropractic care?