17 weeks 3 days with rainbow baby :)


Hi ladies , my name is Fatima . I’m 24. I live in Florida . I found out I was pregnant with my first child in 2018 . I was 5 weeks when I found out. But I lost the baby because it was in my tube and it kept growing to where it ruptured my tube and I had to have it removed . Then I got pregnant again in 2019 and had a early miscarriage at 2 weeks . And now I’m pregnant again . I’m 17 weeks and according to bloodwork I’m having a girl 💕🥰 we wanted a boy but we are blessed to have whatever God gives us. Our main priority is the baby being healthy and having a safe delivery 😊 I’m so blessed and happy to finally have a child of my own. I am a preschool teacher and I have 2 god daughters that I watch frequently . I spoil them .. so I know my daughter will be spoiled even more 🥰🥰