Toddler regression/labor


For the last week or so our 2 year old daughter has been acting super weird. She’s usually a good listener and follows directions well but lately she’s been saying no and keeps doing what she’s not suppose to when we tell her to stop. She’s slept in her own crib since she was 9 months with no issues in going to sleep and now when we put her to bed she screams for an hour until she falls asleep, some nights we have to go in and soothe her. She has also been very very clingy and snuggly, this is odd because even when she was younger she hated snuggles, now laying on the couch she has to be right on my belly and just sits and watches tv with me. She’s usually off playing in her room or with the dog. I’ve done a lot of googling and some say that toddlers can sense labor is near but that it’s also a regression because another sibling is coming. Has anyone had this issue? Sorry for the long post.