Ending a wanted pregnancy at 20w 3d weeks

Anyone else been in my shoes?

We have done everything in our power to save this precious little baby. We went as far as being referred to a fetal surgeon, however the baby’s diagnosis is fatal and there is nothing left the doctors can do.

Today I am 19w 4d. I will be 20w 3d when I have the D&E. I feel a peace knowing this baby won’t have to suffer much long, but I am doing my best to prepare for how I will be after it mentally and emotionally.

We wanted (and still want) this baby so badly. I miscarried early on in March of this year so this fetal anomaly is sort of salt in the wound. We do have a happy and healthy 2 year old and I do my best to focus on how grateful we need to be.

I am anticipating that my milk will likely come in due to how far along I will be. I know that will be an emotional time. I am doing research this week to find out what I can do to donate if I do have a decent supply. I believe it will be very healing to know that we can honor our sweet baby boy with breastmilk donation.

I am so thankful that my friends and family (despite being fairly conservative) have all been very supportive.