Broken .. 💔


I have no one. I am so alone. I cant even get the help I need as I dont qualify. I'm not understanding why this is happening. I'm pregnant with Heart failure as well as I have a child whom I care for too. This was never a plan. Never but I try as best as I can. I truly do. I have been beating to my core. My family has turned there bag on me. Km blessed to work but no extra help i w ok rk only teo days. That's all I'm allowed because of the pandemic. I was told i cant collect unemployment for lack of hours. And now I am considered very high risk. I manage 200 dollars every two weeks. That's 400 a month. I also payed my rent before I was kicked out for my room. 175. I only moved in because my brother had a mental brake down and no one would help his wife with the kids. So I did. I was also making sure my child was taken care of as well. On top of that. I watched them while she worked i cut my hours so she get her home up nd going. So she wouldn't end up like me. I really love them. It hurt me she lied to him. Said I wasn't helping. Didn't even tell him I was there until he got out 4 months later. She never played the Bill's just empty the bank accounts and did and bought whatever. I didnt kno until he returned. I thought she was doing what she was suppose to. It hurt me so bad. I dont know why I was so naive. Now I'm in a position whe re e I need help badly. My doctors told me i would need some savings. because I will be out of work for a year. Yet I cant work anymore hours then I do because my job dosen't have it nd my doctors say I cant strain or stress.. idk I'm really praying hard. I'm really asking for donations if possible whatever helps for months to come. I'm so afraid to do this all alone. My mother also passed july 5th and I'm still lost from that. I'm so sa scared I dont want to fail. I dint want to be stuck I want my family to be okay I wanna take care my kids nd be healthy. I really need help nd I truly dont know where or what. If you have any advice. or kind words as well as I have cash app if u like to know it's ok to ask me. I would like to make a GoFundMe. but i don't have social media or friends for that kind of support. I just needed to vent try. Anything. I feel very embarrassed but I do not know anything else right now. I understand that many will have I'll words to say.. you can just past this post... I understand. 🌻