Has anyone else struggled with this with their family?

Okay so I am the type to never ask for help. I struggle with that because especially now I need help with the baby. My husband is in the military and will be gone until December so it’s just me. We live about 8 hrs from my mom and most other family. I was struggling this past week so I called my mom crying saying I need sleep desperately (4 month sleep regression 😭) and she said please come visit so I can watch the baby and you can sleep. Her and my grandparents live together so my grandma even called me the day I was traveling saying “don’t worry about a thing while you’re here. We will do everything so you can get rest.” They were both telling me how excited they were for us to visit since they have only seen him once since he was born.

Okay, I obviously don’t expect them to do everything but just letting me take an hour nap a day (I’m here for 5 days) would help me so much.

Long story short, I had to practically beg my mom to watch my baby last night and today I asked if I could take a nap real quick and her reply was “I’m going to take a nap.”

I wouldn’t be frustrated if they didn’t tell me that i was going to get rest while I’m here. Like yes, they watch him while I pump so I don’t have to keep him next to me or listen to him cry like I usually do, but like why would you tell me you’re going to do all these things if you don’t even do half of that and complain or refuse when I ask you to watch him so I can sleep?

I’m so confused and frustrated and might leave early 😅 I need sleep guys😅