What helped most for natural labor?

Lenny • 👩🏻👨🏼‍🦰👧🏻👦🏼🤰🏻

Hey ladies. 👋🏼 I posted a similar question a while back but was hoping for some more feedback. I am due in 10 weeks, and am really working hard to prepare for baby- physically and mentally. I had a really awful time with the birth of my first child. The epidural was an awful experience. I was stuck multiple times, had to have two epidurals before it worked, passed out a few times, and it made me have body shakes and I began throwing up. By the time it started working, the nurses check and I was 9 cm.

I know that I want a natural labor and delivery. I almost did it with my first, so I’m confident in myself that I can do it this time. I have a doula, but she will only come to my house since she can’t come into the hospital. She will be there through FaceTime and phone calls. She’ll teach my husband all the techniques that she uses.

However, I’d love to hear some experiences of what helped some of you go through labor/delivery completely natural?