Took a tumble


Turned 33 weeks today & I’m Just getting home after 9 hours in ER. On my way to the kitchen this afternoon, I fell & slid down 4-5 stairs. After 2 hours in the ER, my xrays were cleared, we had heard baby’s heart beat (& he had been moving entire time) so I knew he was great. They then sent me to L&D to monitor to him for an hour per the ER dr however L&D said 4-6 hours. Again, baby’s heart rate & monitoring was fine until they asked if I felt contractions as I had been having them every 3-5 mins. I didn’t feel anything but after 2 hours of that, the on call OB had them check my cervix, do an ultrasound, and check for risk of preterm labor. Thankfully, all was normal & im not dilated at all (although I kind of wanted to be a little). Guess baby will be baking a few more weeks. So happy he’s perfectly fine.