When did you tell your family?


Hi, everyone! Found out we are pregnant with baby #1 this past Saturday, approximately 5 weeks along. 🥰 My husband and I have different opinions on when to tell our siblings and parents.

- He wants to wait until after my first appointment on September 9th so that we have peace of mind that everything looks okay. I'll be around 8 weeks along by then.

- I want to do it now. I have 2 older sisters who have both been pregnant within the last 2 years, and I want someone to talk to about my thoughts and symptoms (SO. MUCH. MORNING. SICKNESS.).

My boss knows (I'm a teacher, and with COVID she kind of has to know), but other than that, we have not told anyone. When did you/will you decide to tell your family?

Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions! 😊