Need help lady’s


I posted in another topic. Haven’t got much feed back. Let me know if I need to delete post. I use two different apps. Manly use this one. Why does it show two different times I should start my period. Don’t wanna get my hopes up since been getting negatives every month. Not sure if I need to take a test. Trying to conceive.

TIA lady’s

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Posted at
Agree with luteal phase comment but it all comes down to ovulation. Do you use opks? Are you certain you ovulated on the top photos predicted date?


Erin • Aug 25, 2020
So ovulation 8/12 meaning period is due aug 26 (tomorrow). That’s a 14 day luteal phase which is normal and most common.


Erin • Aug 25, 2020
Ok so a positive opk means you ovulate 12-36 hours after the first positive opk. So if you saw that on August 11th I would mark your ovulation date as the next day.


Savanna • Aug 25, 2020
Yeah I used ovulation strips. Was positive on the 11th.


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Posted at
The bottom pic is working on a 14 day luteal phase (probably default) the top isn't so maybe you've been using glow to track longer and it knows your luteal phase better?


Savanna • Aug 25, 2020
Yeah I am not to sure. New to all this. Lol