How to switch OB?


I had my second OB appointment today at 11w4d and I don’t know if I should switch or how to go about switching OB’s..? My first pregnancy I loved my OB, she was so genuine and would actually talk to me and seemed like she cared. This time around I live across town and had to pick a new one and she just seems so disconnected, just in and out and doesn’t hardly talk to me.. I love the nurses and ultrasound ladies but both interactions I had with her she just seemed very cold. Today I mentioned how my nausea and vomiting hasn’t been any better even though I am on Diclegis (4 pills/day) and she just acted like oh well the nausea should be gone soon.. with my daughter I was sick the whole pregnancy, which is what I am afraid of, so I mentioned this and asked if there was another medication I could try.. she said that there are but they probably won’t make a difference and since I gained 1lb she isn’t worried..😑 I just don’t know if I am overthinking or how I would go about finding a new doctor? Any advice would be great, thank you!