Am I in the wrong?

I am having my first baby in September. My mother has wanted to be really involved since this is her first grandbaby. She has helped a lot with a gender reveal & shower. Also just giving a lot of advice and being there. I love her for it & I'm forever thankful & grateful. Since she can't be at the hospital for his birth she is really upset about it. I wanted to have about an hour after we leave the hospital before family comes over. I want to get comfortable since I'll be in a lot of pain and this is my first baby so I don't know what to expect. Also I want to have that moment of bringing him home with just me, his dad & our baby. And I have a cat who is going to be very nervous so I wanted our cat to get to meet the baby without the stress of other people around. Like I said just an hour or so for all of this. But I just said after them meeting our baby we wanted some space for the first week. My fiance has never gotten a week off work the whole time we have been together or even more than a couple days. And we just want that precious first week with our son. I tried my best to explain this nicely and my mother got so mad. And of course said i'm being selfish & other things. Now I'm at the point where I don't even want to tell them when I go into labor. I feel like she had this time when she had my sister & I. I understand it is her first grandbaby but I don't feel like I'm selfish for wanting a little alone time after I have carried my baby for 9 months.