Misdiagnosed miscarriage


Just looking for insight... I already have a follow up scan scheduled.

In June we miscarried. We fell pregnant immediate through following month, no period. The miscarriage started about 9 weeks ago. I was told to count the first day of the miscarriage as the first day of the last period. Anyway, I am nauseous, tired, constantly have to pee (all the norm). Yesterday we went for an internal scan. No heartbeat. The fetus is measuring at 7+ weeks (I would have ovulated approx 7 weeks ago). Anyway, so the doctor gave me the option of at at home, medically assisted miscarriage or a D&C. I initially opted for the D&C this Friday.

Based on what I’ve been reading, it seems that (A) a second scan should have been best practice (B) I may only be barely 7 weeks and the heartbeat may not necessarily be super prevalent (C) My uterus tilts back which lead to difficulty finding heartbeats in my two sons.

Basically, I just want to know if anyone has any experience like this. How did it turn out?