38weeks, stressed worried and everything else 😫

I’m a FTM at 39weeks, baby I think is engaged?!

(Can only describe as what feels like something between my legs pushing them apart!) either that or he is low down.

Still no waters breaking

Still no loss of plug (although I’ve had ALOT of peachy coloured discharge coming out for the last week.. could that be it?)

Having some pains around my belly and back but nothing to report home on.

Baby’s movements have slowed right down.

I’m so emotional, one moment I’m so angry for no reason, another I want to sit and cry. Everything feels so overwhelming.

I know everyone’s saying just enjoy this time but it’s so hard, my anxiety is through the roof at the moment.

I’ve miscarried before, and for some reason I feel like because I’m so close I have this awful feeling somethings going to go wrong!

My Midwife is appalling, I’ve only seen her twice in 9 months. I don’t get told anything, I’m left in the dark. I had a text from her when I turned 28 to say how I’ve been high risk but NOONE has told me this?

If I ask any questions in regards to pains or the baby all I get told over the phone is “you have a bug don’t come in”.

Just have so many questions, and the people who are meant to be there to answer these are useless.

Feel like I could scream! 😩

Sorry for the rant but it was very much needed 😂