Confused. Trying to be positive

Denise • Married to my best friend Stay at home mom. 2 girls. Bonus boy and girl. Type 1 diabetic.

I am really confused.. I got my bfp 8/12 and according to my lmp that would put me at 6+6 today... I was in the ER Sunday positive blood test and HCG was over 20,000 had an US the tech said he was curious to see what my labs said because all he saw is an early pregnancy. The nurse at discharge said baby was where it i supposed to be but it was too soon to see a heart beat.

I had an US today which the lady was extremely quick especially compared to my ER visit and said all she saw was a gestational sac. I saw the dr there for him to saw there is a pregnancy there but just early.

So now I had HCG levels checked today and again on Saturday. I go back for an US in two weeks.

Has anyone had this happen with a positive out come?

I was able to see my youngest daughter at 5 weeks but the dr had to really look. I am trying to stay positive but so many emotions.