She came early 💜


So I had an appointment with my Obgyn on the 27th. (Thursday)

Everything looked good and we were scheduling for a c section on Monday. Until she checked baby girls heart rate. It was at a slow rate of 105-110 bpm.

With that being said my obgyn checked two more times for accuracy and her heart rate was still on the low side. She then sent me to the hospital where she delivers to get a non stress test done and be monitored. When I first arrived baby girl was doing great on the monitor. . . That is until she wanted to show off and let it be known she was ready to be in our world. Lol

Her heart rate suddenly dropped from 135 bpm to a scary 60 bpm and stayed that low for 4 minutes straight. Once they got baby girls heart rate to speed back up they immediately called my obgyn and told her it’s best to perform the c section today.

So surprise I had my amazingly beautiful baby girl today/yesterday August 27th 2020 at 6:08 pm. She weighed 5lbs and 13oz. And 18 1/2 inches long. She came out strong as ever crying her little lungs out and letting us all know it was her time to be in spotlight. Lol.