Birth story


So on Tuesday 25th of august I had my 38 week check the doctor did a stretch and sweep said I was only 1cm didn’t think anything of it went home had some light bleeding around 8pm I started getting contractions but they stopped at 9.30 went to bed as usual woke up at 3.30am on wednesday morning to contractions again 4.30 I go for a shower as I thought was just Braxton Hicks 5am pain doesn’t stop so at 5.30 we decided to go to the hospital got to hospital at 6.30am had to do covid screening in the reception got to birthing suite was 4cm at 7.30am got checked again 6cm 8am my waters break and I’m 9cm in a lot of pain never had contractions in my back they go to do ultrasound to find bub is coming sunny side up back against mine hour of pushing and having the doctors hold my cervix out the way so he can come out wrapped with cord around his neck born at 9.02am 38+2 weeks 6p 8 51cm healthy baby boy Jaxon was home by 2.30pm that afternoon.