Vbac induction?

So until last week I’ve had a relatively healthy pregnancy with my second baby.

Background: My first born was a c section due to PROM and breech presentation. It was traumatic for me because baby was in the NICU for over a week (preemie) and my recovery wasn’t easy (opened my stitches twice, had to have a blood transfusion during the section, etc.). Being away from baby due to my inability to walk (after coming off of the epidural) and then the strain of going back and forth to the NICU after just having a major surgery was super traumatic for me, made breastfeeding a struggle, and was just overall the worst.

This time around I found a VBAC friendly provider, I was allowed to go to 41+5, my OB said I could go as natural as I wanted, my only issue was I’m overweight.

This last week I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension and my doctor wants to induce me. My last trip to labor and delivery (due to severe swelling and making sure the hypertension isn’t preeclampsia yet) showed the baby to be tachycardic. Doc says an induction might end in repeat section and I have to be prepared for that.

I want to do what’s best for baby and I’m upset nothing is going to plan this close to the end (39 weeks today). I’m supposed to be induced on Monday starting with a Foley Bulb Catheter and then Pitocin. When last checked (Tuesday) I was only 1-2cm dilated and 60% effaced.

Anyone have a similar experience/words of advice? I don’t know what options I have outside of this. Anything would be helpful, even if it isn’t what I want to hear (I like to be prepared— does the Foley hurt, failure to progress, etc.)