He was at a strip club?

Okay so my so and I went on a weekend trip outta town with his friends for his friends birthday celebration(2 of the 5 guys)

I went on this trip bc I thought the girlfriends and wives were going, but like 2 days before I found out none were going But we had already booked our room.

So Friday we went out to dinner with his friends and then around 9:40 we went back to our hotel and the guys went out to a strip club for the birthday boys birthday dance or whatever.

On Saturday they had a reservation @ top golf for the birthday celebration, I told my SO I’d probably stay back on our room because 1. I’m pregnant 2. I’d just be there for the food and then he wouldn’t get to go bar hopping after if he had to drive me to the room.

So he decided to just car pool with everyone else that was going so he could drink and whatever.

After he left top golf he texted me letting me know they were going bar hopping, so I said be safe, blah blah enjoy your night.

But an hour went by and I couldn’t sleep so I texted him and he didn’t reply So I checked the gps, and they were at a strip club, he knows I hate that stuff,and I’m emotional pregnant, so I get sad bc I think I’m just getting fat and he was there looking at girls that are hotter, and better than me. Whatever.

So I stayed up all night waiting for him bc it was eating me alive that he went knowing It hurts my feeling.

He came in around 2 am and he smelt like female perfume, and then got in the shower.

Idk why that bothered me so much but it did.

He said he had sweat through his clothes at top golf and needed to shower.

After I absolutely lost my cool I called him out for going and smelling like someone else when he climbed in bed with me, we left Sunday morning, and I was just so upset and sad and obviously pregnant reacting to everything.

Eventually we had to talk about it and I just sobbed like a massive baby bc I’m overly jealous and I just don’t feel comfortable with it but he did it.

Anyways his side was he was there yes( he knew and felt it was wrong, but didn’t wanna be that guy in the group is what he said)

He said he didn’t look at anyone or touch anyone he just drank water talked to his friends at the table and looked at the clock until they would leave. He said he considered calling me to come pick him up but didn’t.

He said it didn’t mean anything but to me everything just sounds too good to be true? Idk it just seems so convenient. But he smelled like a girls perfume and showered. Idk it’s eating me inside and I’m trying to not be overly upset about it bc the stress on the baby. Idk I just need help talking me down or agreeing?

We only had cash on us to spend and once we were on talking terms we sat down and figured out how much we spent on the trip and like 10-15 dollars were missing but overall no excessive amount of money was missing but IDK WHAT IF HE GAVE IT TO A STRIPPER I’m just being overly pregnant lady crazy 🙃