Wth is this and why??? ⚠️TW: Gore?

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

Are you ever just sitting in a moving vehicle spacing out then you just open the door and step out into the road, breaking your leg and busting your head open, then a car swerves to not hit you but it hits another car which rolls on top of you. Then you snap back to reality and flip out because you keep thinking about such morbid shit and you can’t stop and it’s progressively getting more often and more morbid.... like that shit ain’t normal and I can hardly go two days without the urge to stick my hand in a fan/on the stove or imagining the floor collapsing under me and getting skewered by a support beam. I know it’s not real and it’s probably just intrusive thoughts but I don’t know what to do. I can’t get professional help and if anyone can offer advice that would be amazing...