Breastfeeding with supplementing questions


I’ve been struggling with breastfeeding since my baby girl was born. My doctor started me on supplementing with formula. We were only doing about 4oz of formula a day and the rest breastfeeding about 3 oz every 3 hours and then I was pumping anytime she got formula. Well my supply has dropped a lot I think in part with me getting mastitis and I’m struggling to keep up with her so we have bumped up her formula intake to 4oz every other feeding and breastfeeding the rest.

I’m freaking out that I’m not feeding her correctly. She’s 3 weeks old and getting about 24oz - 30oz a day. I am demand feeding anytime she’s hungry and don’t force the bottle if she spits it out. I’m going to call my pediatrician on Monday but I was curious how other mothers are supplementing.