What would you have done?

My man of 5 years, sister kept posting suicidal posts and then she posted that the father of her child was abusive and she needed help.

I’m extremely sensitive so the first thing I impulsively did was wake him up to show him the posts. Maybe hoping he would reach out to her? Call her to see if she was ok?

Well, he went off on me. Saying don’t ever wake him out of his sleep, I know he works early, she could be lying etc

I felt so horrible and confused. While I know I didnt deserve his reaction, was I wrong to wake him up since there’s nothing he could’ve done while being far away from her? What would you have done?

I still think I did the right thing but I asked a guy friend and he too told me “don’t wake a man out of his sleep” so it just left me super confused and questioning myself. Thank you for your views in advance. I understand I won’t always be right and that’s ok.

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