9 weeks pregnant and TSH 6.750


On Thursday I had my blood drawn (8+6 weeks) and my tsh was 6.750. I believe the nurse said the others were in normal range.. I guess what is associated with thyroid testing..? So they called in Levothyroxine 100MCG. She said I had nothing to worry about but of course I am because I know the level is higher than they want. Today I’m 9+2 weeks and have taken the meds for 2 days but I take my prenatal about 30 minutes later. I read not to do that. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I had no idea so I’m assuming none of the meds has started to work because prenatals can intervene that close in time I take my thyroid meds. The nurse said we caught it early and we’ll be fine but all I can think is I’m 9 weeks, that doesn’t seem early and worried about a miscarriage. Any one with similar stories that can help ease my mind!? Thank you! ❤️