Advice please!!❤️

Hi girls, so lately I have really been struggling with my sexuality. So basically I have always been straight, interested in boys, but there has always been a little part in me that likes girls. I have had crushes on/kissed girls in the past but I always brushed it off as just being curious. But lately those feelings have been getting stronger, my attractions to girls getting stronger. I have had a boyfriend for over 2 years and have never admitted this to him, not because he wouldn’t accept me, but because I don’t want him to feel unworthy. I would never cheat or want to hurt his feelings. But I have felt like this years before I met him and I just ignored and now it’s at the point where I feel like I know there is something inside of me that I need to be honest about, to myself, my boyfriend and my parents. I guess what I am asking is am I bisexual? I don’t know wether or not to label myself as that. I have never done anything more than kiss a girl, but if it ever came down to it I know that I would be open to sleeping with or being in a relationship with a girl (obviously if i was single). How do I tell my boyfriend this? I don’t want to break his heart but i know i need to be honest with myself. absolutely any advice would be appreciated❤️❤️❤️